BSA/AML services, staff augmentation, risk assessment, and more.

Ensure Compliance. Avoid Serious Penalties.

Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) compliance reaches virtually all corners of the financial services industry – and the penalties for non-compliance are too high to be taken lightly. Team Adhoc is a BSA/AML, fraud, and mortgage compliance staffing company backed by decades of experience and demonstrated expertise in this area. Our services are delivered in a customized, measurable way to meet your needs.

Team Adhoc Discussing

Our BSA/AML Service Offerings

Headquartered in Los Angeles and serving financial institution clients nationwide, we provide on-site and off-site BSA/AML staff augmentation needs. Our highly-seasoned consultants have broad insight to navigate complex compliance initiatives, including:

Suspicious Activity Monitoring and Reporting (BAU/Backlogs)

Utilizing our highly experienced SAM team, we assist all types of financial institutions in addressing monthly alert clearing and backlogs, case investigation, and SAR filing as either a segmented process or end-to-end review, across all transaction monitoring platforms.

Customer Due Diligence/Enhanced Due Diligence (BAU/Backlogs)

Utilizing our highly experienced KYC team, we assist all types of financial institutions in addressing ongoing CDD needs as well as specialized EDD for the highest-risk customer groups, including MSBs, MRBs, and cryptocurrency.

Historical Transaction Reviews ("Lookbacks") and CDD/EDD Remediation

We evaluate the scope of engagement, provide projections regarding production analytics, and provide volume staff.

BSA Independent Testing and Audit

We help strengthen your BSA/AML compliance program by implementing formal processes to track and report on remediation efforts. We take a risk-based approach that focuses transactional testing on higher-risk accounts or geographic areas of concern.

Proven BSA/AML Advisory Services

The regulatory environment is constantly changing. Let us keep up with it for you. Our management team has extensive, current on-site experience helping retail and commercial banks, brokerage firms, payment services and network operators, and credit card issuers hedge AML risk and strengthen internal controls as part of highly publicized FRB, OCC, FDIC, and state level enforcement actions.

We've assisted financial institutions in the following subject matter areas:

Enterprise-wide BSA/AML Risk Assessment

We evaluate enterprise-wide risk associated with products, services, customers, and geographies, and we offer comprehensive documentation, enhanced OFAC screening, and improved methodology for assessing OFAC risks.

Governance/Board Oversight

We help form governance structures with clear lines of responsibility and implement measures to improve the information reported to the board of directors regarding compliance with BSA/AML requirements and OFAC regulations.

BSA Training

We develop and implement specialized training programs for all operational and supervisory personnel responsible for monitoring, investigating, and reporting suspicious activity.

We Are Your Partner in Compliance